Posts Tagged 'mercy'

Panic Podcast – The Gift of Mercy

On today’s program, I explore a precious gift of the Holy Spirit that I believe all believers possess, even though they might not know it. It’s the gift of mercy.


Video Sermon – 8 Steps To Happiness Guaranteed! – 5the Step: Mercy

CLICK HERE to learn why mercy is considered a way to happiness by Jesus. There’s more to mercy than meets the eye!

Panic Podcast: Psalm 119, Part 10

Happy Wednesday, y’all!  When you read that, even to yourself, you need to use your best southern accent.

It’s the middle of the week and you know what that means: Psalm 119! Get your Bible and your coffee, and turn to the tenth section.



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Panic Podcast: Wait Upon the Lord, Part 5

Howdy, friends and neighbors, and welcome back to my place. Today we’ll be looking at the idea of being silent as we wait upon the Lord. Open those Bibles up to Psalm 62 and we’ll dive in!



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